Chief Technology Officer

Salvatore has a B.Sc. and M.Sc. molecular biology and a M.D in genetics from the University of Catania (Italy). He earned his Ph.D. degree in chemistry and his PostDoc in tissue engineering from the University of Edinburgh (UK). He has more than 40 publications covering the field and he is co-inventor on a number of…

Chief Executive Officer

                    Juan J. Diaz Mochón became CEO of DESTINA following the unexpected passing of Hugh Ilyine, co-founder and previous CEO of DESTINA. Juan worked with Hugh for more than 10 years as CSO of DESTINA. They worked in a true partnership with Juan managing all the…


Founder of DESTINA

  Hugh created the DESTINA way of doing business which will be part of his lasting legacy. He impacted so many lives and left a profound mark on DESTINA staff and associates.    Hugh Ilyine had a BSc in Applied Science from the University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia) and a marketing diploma from…

Non-Executive Director

Jan Groen is currently the CEO of Novigenix SA in Switzerland and holds a PhD in medical microbiology from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. He has many years of management experience (VP R&D, COO, CEO) in the life science industry with a focus on emerging technologies, product development and commercialization. Jan has raised over $150…

Non-Executive Director

Todd holds a BSc in Bioengineering and Pre-Medicine from The Catholic University of America (Washington, USA). Todd is a highly successful international healthcare executive with more than 30+ years’ experience in life sciences companies. He has worked as global sales director for companies in molecular diagnostics, laboratory services, and medical devices such as Interleukin Genetics,…

Co-Founder and Executive Director

Juan J. Diaz Mochón became CEO of DESTINA following the unexpected passing of Hugh Ilyine, founder and previous CEO of DESTINA. Juan worked with Hugh for more than 10 years as CSO of DESTINA. They worked in a true partnership with Juan managing all the scientific, research and technological activities of the company. He was…

Executive Chairman

David Whitcombe has more than 10 years of academic research and 15 years in industrial R&D. David has produced a number of publications and patents including the Scorpions technology that formed the basis of his start-up business DxS Ltd in 2000. He was Head of Technology Development at AstraZeneca Diagnostics for four years leading a…