Mavys received her PhD in Pharmacy from the University of Granada, working on the design and synthesis of new HDAC inhibitors as anticancer drugs. Her background includes chemical synthesis, microencapsulation, biosensors, biomaterials, scale up and optimization of processes. Mavys joined DESTINA in March 2013, after several years of experience in biotech companies. She is responsible…
Juan Enrique Cruz Romera has a BSc in Economy and an Executive MBA in R&D Management. Juan has set up a number of start-ups in Spain, including the incorporation of the Spanish subsidiary of DESTINA. He has administered and managed relevant project grants that DESTINA received from the EU as well as the Spanish Government.…
Salvatore has a B.Sc. and M.Sc. molecular biology and a M.D in genetics from the University of Catania (Italy). He earned his Ph.D. degree in chemistry and his PostDoc in tissue engineering from the University of Edinburgh (UK). He has more than 40 publications covering the field and he is co-inventor on a number of…
Juan J. Diaz Mochón became CEO of DESTINA following the unexpected passing of Hugh Ilyine, co-founder and previous CEO of DESTINA. Juan worked with Hugh for more than 10 years as CSO of DESTINA. They worked in a true partnership with Juan managing all the…